; Configuration file for AppOptics PHP instrumentation via the ; `appoptics.so` extension. For help configuring the extension, please visit: ; http://docs.appoptics.com extension=appoptics.so [appoptics] ; appoptics.service_key: unique service identifier appoptics.service_key = ; appoptics.tracing: When traces should be initiated for incoming requests. Valid ; options change behavior when the incoming request is already part of a trace: ; "always" - Continue existing traces, otherwise attempt to start a new one. ; This is an appropriate setting for command line PHP scripts that ; are started manually or by cron. ; "never" - Never continue existing traces or start new ones. ;appoptics.tracing = always ; appoptics.enable_sanitize_sql: Enable or disable sanitizing SQL query traces using ; one of the following options: ; 0 - disable SQL sanitizing, ; 1 - enable SQL sanitizing and attempt to automatically determine which ; quoting form is used (the default), ; 2 - enable SQL sanitizing and drop double quoted characters, or ; 4 - enable SQL sanitizing and retain double quoted characters. ;appoptics.enable_sanitize_sql = 1 ; appoptics.enable_drupal_tracing: Enable or disable drupal tracing. Default is 1. ;appoptics.enable_drupal_tracing = 1 ; appoptics.enable_drupal_profiling: Enable or disable drupal profiling. Only in affect ; if appoptics.enable_drupal_tracing = 1. Default is 0. ;appoptics.enable_drupal_profiling = 0 ; appoptics.sample_rate: This value reflects the number of requests out of every ; million that will be traced, and must be an integer between 0 and 1000000. ; Setting this value is deprecated because it interferes with automatic sample ; rate configuration via smart tracing: ; http://docs.appoptics.com ;appoptics.sample_rate = 300000 ; appoptics.enable_cli: Enable or disable Command Line Interface (CLI) tracing. Default is 0. ;appoptics.enable_cli = 0 ; appoptics.so_file: The file name of the module. Default is "appoptics.so". ;appoptics.so_file = appoptics.so ; appoptics.debug_level: Change diagnostic log detail levels using one of the ; following options: ; -1 - disable ; 0 - fatal ; 1 - error ; 2 - warn (the default) ; 3 - info ; 4 - low ; 5 - medium ; 6 - high ;appoptics.debug_level = 2 ; appoptics.hostname_alias: An optional logical/readable hostname that can be used to easily ; identify the host ;appoptics.hostname_alias = ; appoptics.max_transactions: the maximum number of transaction names to track when aggregating ; metric and histogram data by individual service transaction within the metrics flush interval. ; Changing this value will have a noticable impact on the used memory. Default is 50. ;appoptics.max_transactions = 50 ; appoptics.max_ready_wait_time: the maximum wait time for Appoptics to become ready for receiving ; traces (in milli seconds). A value of 0 will turn off waiting which ensures Appoptics won't ; block the app on startup. Default is 0 ms (off). ;appoptics.max_ready_wait_time = 0 ; appoptics.max_flush_wait_time: the maximum wait time for flushing data before terminating the ; app (in milli seconds). A value of 0 will turn off flushing which ensures Appoptics won't block ; the app on termination. Default is 5000 ms. ;appoptics.max_flush_wait_time = 5000 ; appoptics.enable: tracing and transactions can be enabled/disabled with this option which is ; helpful for environments with multiple vhosts. Setting this option in the ini file will affect ; the global scope of PHP. It can also be set on vhosts individually (e.g. .htaccess or httpd.conf). ; Default is 1. ;appoptics.enable = 1 ; appoptics.enable_profiling: Enable or disable function profiling. Default is 0. ;appoptics.enable_profiling = 0 ; appoptics.profiling_interval: The interval in milliseconds at which function profiling takes snapshopts. ; Only valid if appoptics.enable_profiling is set to 1. Minimum value is 20 ms, default is also 20 ms. ;appoptics.profiling_interval = 20